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Causes Of Vomiting In Cats

Causes Of Vomiting In Cats

Vomiting in cats can be induced by petty reasons such as hairballs, which are an accumulation of loose hair and matted fur that is accidentally ingested while grooming. Furthermore, cats often intentionally chew on grass or green leaves to trigger vomiting, which helps them to get rid of undigested food, foreign matter, and hairballs.

But it would be unwise to conclude that vomiting in cats is a trivial matter, for it can also be induced by serious health issues like indigestion, food poisoning, and parasitic action. So, as cat parents, it is important to know why cats vomit and take necessary precautions.

Types of cat vomit

  1. Chronic vomiting

    As a cat parent, it is common to question why does the cat vomit so frequently? Chronic vomiting is a serious condition in cats and is generally identified when a cat has been throwing up periodically for more than a month. Chronic vomiting often suggests a serious underlying health concern that has gone unnoticed and requires professional attention from a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. Chronic vomiting is also usually accompanied by other physical symptoms such as seizures, lethargy, diarrhoea, and irregular breathing. Chronic vomiting is often indicative of organ dysfunction, such as pancreatitis, liver and renal failure, and so on.

  2. Acute vomiting

    A cat can be diagnosed with acute vomiting when it has been throwing up for about 2 to 3 days. Although acute vomiting can be caused by several factors, it is generally non-lethal and is easily treatable with medication and cat vomiting natural remedy. Acute vomiting is often a result of petty reasons such as hairballs, which do not require any medical assistance. Acute vomiting can also stem from food poisoning and indigestion, which can be improved with over-the-counter medication or natural home remedies, and does not usually require a visit to the veterinarian.

Causes of vomiting in cats

Although vomiting in cats is one of the most common indicators that your furry is going through an ailment, it is a vague symptom that does not hint at a particular cause. So, mentioned below are some of the common causes that often lead to vomiting in cats, which can help answer questions like why does the cat vomit:

  • Toxins

    Toxins are one of the primary reasons behind acute vomiting in cats. Ingesting toxic hazards can hamper the metabolism in cats, leading to hormonal imbalances, or causing cats to throw up frequently. Additionally, accidentally ingesting toxic substances can potentially lead to seizures, diarrhoea, sluggishness, and unsteady gait. Ingesting foreign bodies, such as contaminated food can also prove toxic, leading to frequent vomiting.

  • Drugs

    Certain medicinal drugs can also be a potential reason behind cats throwing up frequently. Drug toxicity in cats is often associated with gastrointestinal problems and can lead to emesis, or the process of vomiting. Your furry friend can experience vomiting from drug-induced toxicity, especially if it is undergoing heavy medication, such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and chemotherapy.

  • Diet

    Cats are known for their unmatched love for food, and not all cats are comfortable with going on a regulated diet, especially when it concerns losing weight. A sudden change in their usual diet, as well as the addition of something new to their meal, can cause cats to have an upset stomach, even leading to vomiting. Dietary intolerances or eating something that has gone bad can also induce vomiting.

  • Intestinal issues

    Vomiting is one of the biggest symptoms when it comes to intestinal issues in cats. Having ingested foreign particles or contaminated substances, such as rotten food or faecal matter can lead to serious intestinal issues, often resulting in the inflammation of the stomach lining, ulcers, and vomiting. Bacteria and parasitic actions, especially from tapeworms and hookworms can also upset these majestic furballs, resulting in cat vomit.

  • Organ dysfunction

    Organ dysfunction is a pressing health concern that needs to be addressed on time to avoid further deterioration in health. If left untreated for long, it can even prove fatal. Organ dysfunction, such as pancreatitis, liver and renal failure, can lead to an accumulation of waste materials in the body, resulting in vomiting in cats.

  • Endocrine issues

    Wondering why cats vomit? Vomiting in cats can also be a result of hormonal imbalance in the body, primarily triggered by the endocrine glands. Hyperthyroidism, or excessive secretion from the thyroid gland can cause these furry felines to throw up too. Additionally, diabetes ketoacidosis and elevated calcium levels in the body can induce vomiting.

  • Infectious issues

    Vomiting in cats is also often caused by infections from eating contaminated substances that often lead to stomach upset and intestinal inflammation. Furthermore, infections triggered by bacterial, viral, and parasitic actions in the stomach can cause cats to vomit. Reactions triggered by medications and new food are also associated with vomiting, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain.

Diagnosing the causes of vomiting based on the type of vomit

One of the easier ways to detect the cause of vomiting in cats is by inspecting the cat vomit based on its colour and texture. Mentioned below are the common types of cat vomit and their potential causes for them:

  • Yellow vomit

    Yellowish vomit in cats is caused by throwing up undigested food materials. This kind of cat vomit is caused by indigestion and has a characteristic color of yellowish vomit in cats due to the presence of half or undigested food particles. Yellowish vomit in cats can also result from bacterial or parasitic action.

  • Clear vomit

    A clear vomit does not always indicate a concerning health issue. Instead, this kind of cat vomit often results from undigested hairballs. Cats lick themselves clean, often ingesting loose hair and matted fur which accumulates in their body and is then thrown up with stomach liquid, giving the cat hairball vomit its clear appearance.

  • White/foamy vomit

    Cats throwing up white or foamy vomit does not warrant any immediate concern. This is because white or foamy cat hairball vomit is a natural way of getting rid of hairballs, caused by an accumulation of loose fur and hair the kitty might have ingested while grooming themselves.

  • Bloody Vomit

    Wondering why does the cat vomit appear bright red? Bloody vomit or haematemesis is caused by serious health issues, such as internal bleeding, lesions, intestinal inflammations, and ulcers. Bacterial infections such as the feline panleukopenia virus or traumatic injuries can also result in bloody vomit in cats.

  • Brown vomit

    Brown vomit is often caused by the presence of clotted blood. Brown vomit in cats is usually the result of internal bleeding of the stomach or intestinal lining and ulcers. Your feline friend can also have brown vomit if it has eaten something sharp, causing internal injuries.

  • Semi-digested food in the vomit

    While most vomits containing semi-digested food result from harmless conditions like hairballs and internal obstructions, serious cases like pancreatitis, poisoning, stress, parasitic infections, and indigestion may require healthcare assistance for your furry friend to make a complete recovery.

Ways to prevent vomiting

When looking for a cat vomiting natural remedy, do note that vomiting is often an organic process to get rid of foreign particles and toxins from the cat’s body. However, mentioned below are some ways to prevent your kitty from throwing up frequently.

  1. Groom them regularly to help them with hairballs

    Throwing up hairballs is usually the primary reason for cats to vomit. One of the best ways to lower the frequency of throwing up hairballs is by grooming your puking cat regularly, as grooming will remove the excess loose fur and matted hair.

  2. Give them good quality cat foods/treats

    Food poisoning and indigestion can cause cats to throw up undigested food particles. To avoid this issue, offer them good quality food and premium cat treats. For instance, Sheba's premium cat food and cat treats are prepared from the choicest ingredients. Additionally, Sheba's cat food and treats are unparalleled in taste and flavour, while being gentle on feline tummy.

  3. Access to clean drinking water

    Puking cats can be a result of drinking polluted or contaminated water, which is a breeding ground for water-borne bacteria and parasites. So, it is important to make sure your cat has access to clean drinking water free from any foreign particles that can be a health hazard for your royal furball.


  • When should I be concerned about my cat vomiting?

    Acute cat vomiting is relatively harmless and can be easily treated through over-the-counter medications. However, if your cat has been throwing up blood or has been vomiting for more than a month, it might be time to visit a veterinarian.

  • What can you give a cat for vomiting?

    Over-the-counter medications like Maropitam Citrate and Famotidine are easy fixes for vomiting in cats. However, you must also ensure your cat has access to clean food and water to make sure it stays hydrated and without any stomach infections.

  • What do different types of cat vomit mean?

    Green and yellowish vomit in cats indicate indigestion and bacterial action, while clear and foamy vomit is caused by hairballs. Throwing up red or brown liquid is caused by the presence of blood in the vomit, which might require urgent veterinarian help.

  • What natural remedy can I give my cat for vomiting?

    In addition to knowing why cats vomit, it’s important to know how to treat your kitty during such occurrences. If your feline has been throwing up for quite some time, you can incorporate natural remedies like offering your puking cat home-cooked food and clean drinking water, as well as showering them with love and affection to alleviate their stress.

  • How do you settle a vomiting cat's stomach?

    Vomiting caused by indigestion can be treated by offering home-cooked, bland food that is gentle on feline tummies and is easy to digest. Cat vomiting natural remedy, like ensuring your puking cat has access to clean water can also help.

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